RULES / FIELDS 1, 2, 3 & 4
Please review the current Indoor League Guidelines for any potential adjustments to the rules due to COVID-19.
The Game will be played using FIFA Laws of the Game with the following exceptions.
Law 1 - The Field of Play
1.1 Dimensions: Fields are 195 feet by 95 feet.
1.2 Field Markings: The field is marked like a normal soccer field with the dimensions reduced to be in proportion to the size of the field. In addition, 2 lines equally spaced between the center line and the goal have been added.
1.3 Goals: Goals are 8 feet by 14 feet
Law 2 - The Ball
Approved Ball Specifications: The circumference of the ball shall be between 27 and 28 inches. The match ball should be inflated to an appropriate pressure. A size 5 ball will be used by all divisions with the exception that youth divisions U12 and younger will use a size 4 ball.
Law 3 - Number of Players
3.1 Teams: The game shall be played by two teams each consisting of 7 players for U8 thru U15, Over 40 and Coed. In Coed the 6 field players must be 3 female and 3 male (Goalkeeper may be of either sex). U16 thru U19, Men's Open and Men's Over 30 will play 6 v 6. (Can be adjusted if agreed upon by both Teams).
3.2 Substitutes: The Referee's authority and jurisdiction shall extend to all bench personnel and players. All players shall enter & exit the field of play at the midfield line. (team side only)
3.3 Unlimited Substitutions: During the game, unlimited "on-the-fly" substitutions are permitted at any time for field players and the goalkeeper provided that both the following two conditions are satisfied:
- a) The player(s) leaving the field must be within the touchline at the player's own bench area, or off the field in the bench area, before the substitution is made.
- b) Neither players entering the field or players departing the field may participate in play when they are simultaneously on the field. An illegal substitution will be penalized by an indirect free kick from the location of the ball when play was stopped.
3.4 Guaranteed Substitution: The restart of play will be delayed until the completion of substitutions by either team in the following instances:
- a) After a goal has been scored
- b) On an injury time out
- c) When the ball leaves the field of play
- d) Between period.
- e) After a superstructure violation.
- f) At any other stoppage, with the Referee's permission. There will be no guaranteed substitutions in the last 2 minutes of the game.
Law 4 - Players' Equipment
4.1 Usual Equipment: The equipment of a player is a shirt, shorts, socks, shinguards and indoor soccer footwear. Except for the goalkeeper, no long pants or sweats are permitted. Permanent numbers must be worn on the shirt, at least 4" in height. Each player on a team shall wear a number which is unique for that team.
4.3 Footwear: A player's footwear must be flat-soled shoes or others designed for an artificial surface. (no cleats)
Law 5 – Referees
5.1 Referee's Authority: A system employing one Referee is used. Their authority begins when they enter the field of play. The Referee is responsible for the record of the game and the keeping of time.
Law 6 - Assistant Referee
Not Applicable
Law 7 - Duration of the Game
7.1 The duration of a regulation game shall be two (2) halves of twenty-five (25) minutes each for a total of fifty (50) minutes, subject to the following:
- a) Ball in Play: The clock may be stopped for injuries at the discretion of the Referee.
- b) Play Extension: Play shall be extended to permit the taking of a penalty kick if an infraction occurred immediately prior to the expiration of time.
- c) Clock Malfunction: In case of clock malfunction, the Referee shall add or subtract time as deemed appropriate, and/or keep time on an alternate time piece.
7.2 Intervals Between Periods: Normally, a two (2) minute half-time is provided. The Referee may shorten the half-time interval to one (1) minute if the game is behind schedule.
Law 8 - The Start of Play
8.1 Kick-off: The team facing the score board takes the kick-off. Coed kick-off must be taken by females
8.2 Dropped Ball: When restarting the game after a stoppage of play for any cause not covered elsewhere in these Laws, the Referee shall drop the ball at the place where play was stopped. If in the penalty box, the ball shall be dropped at the nearest point outside the penalty box. Coed dropped ball must be taken by females.
Law 9 - Ball In and Out of Play
9.1 Ball In Play: No Change
9.2 Ball Out of Play: The ball is out of play:
- a) When it has completely crossed the touch line.
- b) When it hits any part of the building superstructure or net above the field of play. Play will be restarted with an indirect free kick for the opposing team at the nearest line where it hit the superstructure or net. It shall be a guaranteed substitution occasion.
- c) If the ball hits the superstructure or net in the penalty box area the ball will go to the nearest line.
Law 10 - Method Of Scoring
No Change to Law 10
Law 11- Off sides and 3 line
- a) Off Side: There is no off side
- b) 3-Line Rule: The ball cannot cross the 3 lines in the air. This applies to kick by Goalkeeper, from a free kick, throw-in or from the normal run of play. Violation of the 3-line rule will result in an indirect free kick from the line closest to where the kick was taken.
Law 12 - Fouls / Misconduct
12.1 Fouls: A player who intentionally commits any of the following offenses shall be penalized by the Referee awarding a free kick to the opposing team. The kick is taken from the point of the infraction (subject to the exclusions in Law 8,9,11,12).
- a) Sliding tackle: An indirect free kick is awarded against the offending team.
- b) Challenge rule: (applies only to Coed). Men are not allowed to tackle women. Play will restart with a direct free kick. Goalkeepers are exempt from the challenge rule within their own penalty box.
- c) Heading Rule: (applies only U11 and younger). Players are not allowed to head the ball intentionally. Play will restart with an indirect kick from the spot of the foul, subject to the exclusions listed in Law 13
12.2 Goalkeeping Restrictions: The following infractions are to be penalized by the Referee awarding a indirect free kick to the opponents at the top of the restraining arc:
- a) Passback: The goalkeeper shall not handle the ball (pick-up) if a teammate passes the ball back intentionally.
- b) 5-Second Distribution: Once a goalkeeper obtains possession of the ball within the penalty area, the ball must be distributed outside
- of the penalty area or to another player within five (5) seconds. Possession shall be defined as control with hand.
12.3 Cautionable Offense: Spitting on the Field Carpet: A player who spits on the carpet at any time during the course of a game, including between periods, shall be cautioned and shown the yellow card. At all other times, the Referee shall report the incident to the league via the Game Report.
Law 13 - Free Kicks
13.1 Free Kick Regulations: When play has been stopped for a foul or other infraction, play shall be restarted with a "free" kick taken by a player of the opposing team. Coed all free kicks must be taken by females, except goal kick, and offensive fouls in the penalty box witch may be taken by the goalkeeper only. When a free kick is being taken, all the opposing players shall be at least six yards (6yd.) from the ball. The ball must be stationary when a free kick is taken. A whistle is required for all restarts at the top of the arc.
- a) Location: Subject to the exclusions in these Laws, a free kick shall be taken from within three feet of the point of infraction. If a team gains an unfair advantage from the location of the kick, the kick shall be retaken.
- b) Free Kicks Originating in Penalty Area: When a player is taking a free kick from within the defensive penalty area, all opposing players shall remain outside the penalty area and at least 18' from the location of the ball until the ball has been kicked out of the penalty area. The ball is not in play until it leaves the penalty area. If the ball is not kicked directly into play, the kick shall be retaken.
- c) Free Kick in Attacking Penalty Area: an indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team in its opponent's penalty area shall be taken at the top of the restraining arc unless a penalty kick has been awarded. A penalty kick shall be taken in accordance with Law 14
- d) Direct or indirect free kick: (excluding Corner kicks) no attacking player can stand in the goal box. Violation is a Goal kick.
Law 14 - Penalty Kick
14.1 For age groups U13 and older: All Penalty kicks will be taken from the top of the penalty box.
14.2 For age groups U12 and under: All Penalty kicks will be taken from the marked Penalty spot.
Law 15 - The Throw-in
No Change to Law 15
Law 16 - The Goal Kick
No Change to Law 16.
Law 17 - The Corner Kick
Coed The Corner Kick must be taken by females.
Red Cards: A player or coach who receives a red card will be ejected from the game. They must leave the bench area; if a player/coach refuses to leave the bench the Referee may suspend the game. Any player or Coach red carded will have a minimum of 1 game suspension or as determined by the discipline committee.
Protest Procedure: Any team wanting to protest a roster of their opponent should do so during the game in question. A referee must be asked to involve management at which time a roster will be pulled and players will be identified. Teams fielding players who are not on their roster will be forced to forfeit the game in question. A 3-0 win will be recorded for the other team.
Suspensions for fighting and other violent conduct: A special Disciplinary Committee will be formed to review these special incidents.
Forfeit of Championship Award: Any team forfeiting a match during the course of the regular season for any reason will be ineligible for any championship awards.
Standings: Standings for league play will be decided by the following:
- 1) Points (W=3pts; T=1pt)
- 2) Head to head
- 3) Goal differential
- 4) Fewest goals allowed
- 5) Most goal scored
- Max goal differential of (7) will be recorded for game results.